Traditional Cuisine

The geographic dispersion of the islands is perhaps the main cause of the great diversity of typical dishes that are part of traditional Azorean cuisine, characterized by a varied menu of tasty and succulent traditional recipes capable of satisfying the most demanding palates.

To this end, it also contributes to the rich fishery of the Azores, which, together with the production of good meat, milk and its derivatives, and other quality vegetables, allows the use of a great variety of ingredients in the making of those dishes.

Traveling through the islands in search of their traditional dishes, although many of them are common, differing a little at the palate, due to the use of this or that seasoning, dishes that are typically local, risking the following:

  • The popular Soup of the Holy Spirit, the fish stews, the Sovada Pasta and the tasty Malassadas, typically regional;
    In São Miguel, the Sourdough, the single Cabbages, the tops of liver sauce, the Fervedouros, the Octopus stewed in wine of smell, the Sausage with yam, the Rice of limpets, the Lapas de Alfonso sauce and, necessarily, the tasty and curious Cooked in the Boilers of Furnas and Ribeira Grande, as well as canaries, chorizo, homemade bread and the biscuits of that northern city;
  • The Broth of the turnips, the Cake in the panela, the Chilli and the Pork Sauces of the very typical and delicious Marian cuisine;
  • The famous Alcatra, the Fish stew with apples, the Black pudding, the Sarapatel, the Octopus and the Bunny of the villager sauce, from Terceira;
  • The Fish, in delicious Caldeiradas or in several baked Dishes, that does the honors of the graciosense kitchen;
    The tasty fish broths, octopus stew, sausage with yam, pork steaks and the meat mole, from Mountain Island, Peak;
    From the faialense kitchen, the Torresmos of garlic-vine, the water of Meat, the fillets of fried sauce, rice of limpets and other appetizing dishes;
  • The only clams of the Azores caught in the Caldeira do Santo Cristo in São Jorge, pork greasy, meat mole, conger stew, yams and sausage and corn cake;
  • A Cress Soup, Pork Stew, Folded Sauce, Bean with Pork Head, Bun in the Brick, Conger stew, Bonito roasted in the oven and the Crayfish of the Sea Herbs, of the Flowers.

    The strawberry wine produced in almost all the islands, the famous Verdelho do Pico, which arrived at the table of the Czares, the spirits of fig and loquat and the excellent wines produced in Graciosa, Terceira (Biscuits), Santa Maria (São Lourenço) and São Miguel (Caloura), are good suggestions to accompany some of these dishes.
    Lobsters, Chips, Lapas, fresh or grilled, Crabs and the curious Barnacles, are very appreciated and consumed seafood in the Region.


In the area of sweets, the Azores also present a varied range of tasty regional sweets


  • From the famous Queijadas da Vila, Ribeira Grande Confectionery, Furnas Cakes, Almond and Belly-Nut Crackers, from São Miguel, to the greedy Sighs, Melindre, Ear-Biscuits, Cavacas, Tunelados, Brindeirinhos, Biscuits, Tigeladas, Cracked Biscuits and Cookies, Santa Maria.
  • From Confecções, Coscorões, Dona-amélias and Alfenim from thirds to the Crayons of Rice, Capuchas, Escomilhas, Soaked Eggs and Queijadas, Graciosa …
  • White Sweet and Forgotten, Species, Brandies, Eve Cake and Curd Cakes and sweet angelica, from Saint George, to Sweet Rice, Sons, Corkscrews, Dreams and Vespers of Pico and the picturesque and delicious Fofas faialenses .. .

The fruit of the Azores: 

  • At Pico, apple trees, pear trees, orange trees, pear trees and the best figs.
  • In S. Miguel the greenhouse pineapple, and the passion fruit.
  • In São Jorge, fig trees, walnut trees, chestnut trees, nectarines, and banana trees and grapes.

All are tasty regional sweets that can also accompany the delicious Tea that is grown and made in São Miguel at the Gorreana Tea Factory and at the Porto Formoso Tea Factory.

Cheese lovers, in the various islands and at their disposal there is a great variety of cheeses, fresh and cured, with special emphasis on the soft cheese Pico cheese, and the Cheese of the Island, São Jorge.

The sweet and fragrant Ananas, produced in greenhouses at Ilha Verde, is also a good dessert.

Graciosa old brandy, Lajido do Pico liqueur and São Miguel’s tasty passion fruit liqueur, among other spirits manufactured in the region, are recommended digestives.