The view of the two lakes (Blue Lagoon and Green Lagoon) is truly breathtaking. Any visitor to São Miguel must go to this location and guaranteed that many pictures will be taken. During the months that the hydrangeas are in bloom there is no more scenic site.
The lagoon of Sete Cidades was formed by successive collapses of two reliefs that surround it, and has a diameter of about 5 km and maximum depth of 33 meters. It is one of the largest abatement boilers in the archipelago.
In addition to the great beauty that the Sete Cidades provide, the visitor has a wide range of activities at his disposal. The entire area surrounding the lagoon can be covered on foot, especially the circular trail of Sete Cidades and the linear tracks of Vista do Rei and Mata do Canário.
There are specialized companies to navigate in canoes, kayaks or paddle board. You can consult our partner bellow.