The Azorean soil now reveals all its fertility in the flatness of its green cultivated fields flanked by natural hedges of colorful flowers, or shows its agricultural incapacity through not only the steep slope and the inaccessibility of its innermost areas, but above all by the display of a natural vegetation composed of numerous endemic species of high botanical and scientific value, which give the landscape an unusual landscape beauty and constitute an incalculable booty of the natural heritage of the Region.
Composed of about 56 indigenous species, the endemic vegetation of the Azores is considered one of the most interesting in Europe, of which the characteristic Cedar-of-bush (Juniperus brevifolia), the always beautiful Azevinho (Ilex perado, ssp azorica (Euphorbia stygiana), and the red-spotted grapefruit (cylindraceum), as well as the spectacular Trovisco-macho (Euphorbia stygiana) , Pau-branco (Picconia azorica), Ginja-do-mato (Prunus lusitanica ssp. azorica), etc.
Cohabiting with these species in the most inhospitable places of the islands, the Macaronesian flora species contribute even more to the botanical-scientific enrichment and, consequently, landscaping of the Region, standing out among them the Vinhático (Persea indica), the Tamujo (Myrsine africana ), the Sanguinho (Frangula azorica), the Bay (Laurus azorica), etc.
In addition to these, other plant species introduced for many years, both for commercial use and for purely ornamental purposes, complete and diversify the vegetal panorama of the Azorean landscape, being emphasized the existence of the Cryptomeria japonica, introduced in the Region there are about 100 years as the main and most important forest essence for timber production, not only for supplying the regional market, but also for export. Acacia (Acacia melanoxylon) is another of the forest species heavily implanted in the Region and the second wood producer, which is much appreciated and used in construction.
At the ornamental level, a wide variety of species ranging from sub-shrubs to large trees, most of them introduced and some of great botanical value, embellish our gardens and roads and, as shelter hedges or (Hydrangea macrophylla), the pleasant and picturesque alleys of Azaleas (Rhododendron indicum) and the elegant ones hedges of showy Camellias (Camellia japonica).
The Container (Hedychium gardnerianum), the Agapantos (Agapantus praecox), the Belladonna (Brunsvigia rosea), the Jugs (Zantedeschia aethiopica), and many other ornamentals complete the polychrome floristic panorama of the Azorean landscape.